Construction is taking place in several locations in parallel, and it is difficult to keep track of when, where and how much workers have worked. Sometimes, infrastructure is not yet in place. There is a high turnover of staff, and the distribution of IDs can be difficult, which may require biometric identification.
Go to the data sheetFor schools, the safety of children is paramount, so restricting and controlling entry and exit is of very important. In the event of a fire, it is important to know immediately who is in the building. In many cases, students are disorderly and lose their IDs, so appropriate solutions must be put in place.
Go to the data sheetKisvállalkozások esetén a vezetőséget gyakran fokozottan érintik az adminisztrációs terhek. A cég hatékony működését, növekedését olyan rugalmas, automatizált rendszerek képesek segíteni, mint például a Predor. Többféle rendszert fejlesztettünk, hogy a magyar KKV-k szerteágazó igényeihez leginkább illeszkedő, megfizethető megoldásokat tudjuk ajánlani.
Go to the data sheetLarge staffs need to be managed in a simple, automated way, in compliance with the European Union's GDPR and cybersecurity (NIS2) guidelines. Access control and time and attendance systems must also be integrated with ERP, production management and other monitoring software. Efficiency, security and uninterrupted operations are important considerations.
Go to the data sheetContact our team for a personalised quote for your business
Contact us for a personalised quote or online software demonstration
A complex and sophisticated system that can provide the right service for every company.
Földesi Gergő Balázs
TTSped Kft
Predor system was a real breakthrough in our HR workflow. The application fits our needs perfectly, it supports our daily tasks efficiently. The information we need is right at hand and easy to parse, so our payroll workflow can proceed flawlessly. Easy to use and efficient solution and pofessional support team during our onboarding process.
Váradi Márk
Orange1 Hungary Kft
Ideal solution for small and mid sized companies, providing up to date data on a user friendly interface.
Tótfalusi Roland
Gravitáció Kft
Ever since we use Predor, we noticed how better we can monitor our employees worktime compared to our previous system. With this, we can enforce company policies and proactively handle any discrepancies. Leviathan Solutions Ltd provided us with a couple of custom solutions so we could fine tune the system for our needs.
Váradi Márk
Orange1 Hungary Kft
We are glad to find such an good partner for our entry point containers. Flexible and responsive, quick to fix any problem. It is really important for us, and I can confidently recommend the Predor team. All our needs were met. Excellent support, quick response, anda professional team helped us. Thank you.
Kovács Kristóf
I can only recommend the system with its excellent helpful and flexibe support team, available whenever I need them.
Kristóf Péter
Galaktika Kft